alright before i say anything else..
Lydia Shum Din-Ha otherwise known as Fei Fei, a HK comedian and actress known for her size and black rimmed glasses passed away today @ 8.38am.
and thereafter, i see a trail of issues..
1. Thousands of reporters were hogging the hospital entrance as well as the ward entrance. When her daughter came out, tons of mics and cameras were thrust into her face, every single one trying to get 1st hand news.
HELLO!! Her mum just died! Do you all have any sympathy???
They followed her all the way to the lift, kept taking pictures of her and answering a string of questions that all u can hear were buzzing noises.
Despite saying they feel her death and everything, all i see the newspapers and media clamouring for attention on cover page which I personally feel is revolting.
2. When the hosts of the tribute program on TVB8 wondered how her daughter is going to cope from now on , my mother came with a terrible reply like " Of course she can property and inheritance"
OMG! Now it seems a person's death is an economical issue! I was quite disturbed by that comment because I'm sure the hosts were wondering how her daughter is going to cope with the loss of her mother, her best friend and someone who stood by her all these years. If I'm her, this is of course devastating and no amount of $$ in the world can bring your loved one back. Plus, she's sort of brought up in a single parent environment..the blow is doubled.
oOkie. now back to what i orginally wanna blog about.
Had my psy lecture ytd soO more psy stuff here!
Pretend your finger is a pen (or pencil)
A) You either hold your 'pen' such tt it's horizontally between your teeth
B) hold such that your 'pen' is pointing inwards at your throat between your teeth
Next, look at this picture and ask yourself (with that action still there between your teeth) whether it is funny:

If you think it's think it's very funny, funny, moderately funny or neutral, chances are you hold your 'pen' the A) way
If you think otherwise, chances are you're holding your 'pen' the B) way
This is the James Lange Theory where you 1st perceive stimulus, your body and behaviour changes then you experience an emotion.
A) you're activating your smile muscles
B) you're activating your frown muscles.
Although certain expressions are universal (like happy, angry, sad, surprised)...there are other cultures that have expressions tt seem totally bizarre to us lOlx.
Guess what they are trying to express before highlighting the answer:

-->I am angry
-->I don't believe you
BTW, does anyone wanna go career fair on thursday??